Results for 'Magdalena Alcocer Vega'

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  1.  27
    Amy Gutmann: Identity in Democracy. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2003.Magdalena Alcocer Vega - 2005 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 5:153-156.
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    Trade-Offs between female food acquisition and child care among hiwi and ache foragers.A. Magdalena Hurtado, Kim Hill, Ines Hurtado & Hillard Kaplan - 1992 - Human Nature 3 (3):185-216.
    Even though female food acquisition is an area of considerable interest in hunter-gatherer research, the ecological determinants of women’s economic decisions in these populations are still poorly understood. The literature on female foraging behavior indicates that there is considerable variation within and across foraging societies in the amount of time that women spend foraging and in the amount and types of food that they acquire. It is possible that this heterogeneity reflects variation in the trade-offs between time spent in food (...)
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  3. Conceptual Analysis and Epistemic Progress.Magdalena Balcerak Jackson - 2013 - Synthese 190 (15):3053-3074.
    This essay concerns the question of how we make genuine epistemic progress through conceptual analysis. Our way into this issue will be through consideration of the paradox of analysis. The paradox challenges us to explain how a given statement can make a substantive contribution to our knowledge, even while it purports merely to make explicit what one’s grasp of the concept under scrutiny consists in. The paradox is often treated primarily as a semantic puzzle. However, in “Sect. 1” I argue (...)
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    Frequency and burden with ethical conflicts and burnout in nurses.Dorota Wlodarczyk & Magdalena Lazarewicz - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (6):847-861.
    Many studies examine a stressors-professional burnout (PB) relation, but only few consider the role of ethical conflicts (ECs) in this context. The aim of this study was to characterize ECs' frequency and level of burden with them among nurses and to establish the relations between ECs' frequency, burden and PB. One hundred nurses participated in this study. ECs' frequency and burden were tested with an originally developed questionnaire. PB was examined with Maslach Burnout Inventory. Most frequent ECs concerned a nurse-patient (...)
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    Dividing the self: Distinct neural substrates of task-based and automatic self-prioritization after brain damage.Jie Sui, Magdalena Chechlacz & Glyn W. Humphreys - 2012 - Cognition 122 (2):150-162.
  6. Escritos filosóficos.Prudencio Vázquez Y. Vega - 1965 - Montevideo: Ministerio de Instrucción Pública y Previsión Social.
    Biografía -- Criterio de la edición -- El derecho -- La humanidad -- La filosofía en la época actual -- Un pedazo de caos -- El dogmatismo empírico del Dr. Jurkowski -- Una cuestión de moral política -- Crítica de la moral evolucionista -- Dominios de la psicología y de la moral -- Programa del aula de filosofía del Ateneo del Uruguay, año 1878 -- Programa del aula de filosofía del Ateneo del Uruguay, año 1897.
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    Predictors of Learning Engagement in the Context of Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Maria Magdalena Stan, Ioana Roxana Topală, Daniela Veronica Necşoi & Ana-Maria Cazan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The main aim of the present research is to analyze the predictive value of individual characteristics such as online self-efficacy, adaptability to uncertainty, and sources of stress during online learning on learning engagement. We also aimed to highlight if these relationships could be mediated by the online self-regulated learning strategies, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The participants were 529 university students and the design was cross-sectional. The results showed significant associations of the sources of stress in online learning with self-efficacy, leaning (...)
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    Risk Environments and the Ethics of Reducing Drug-Related Harms.Tim Rhodes, Magdalena Harris, A. M. Viens & C. R. McGowan - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (12):46-48.
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    Estrategia educativa sobre hipertensión arterial para adultos mayores de un consultorio del Policlínico Previsora.Magalys Álvarez Reyes, Iraida Morales Sotolongo, Eneida Morales Reyes & Belkis Vega Colina - 2011 - Humanidades Médicas 11 (3):433-452.
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  10. Deduction, inference and illation.Edmond A. Murphy, E. Manuel Rossell & Magdalena I. Rosell - 1986 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 7 (3).
    From the standpoint of the theory of medicine, a formulation is given of three types of reasoning used by physicians. The first is deduction from probability models (as in prognosis or genetic counseling for Mendelian disorders). It is a branch of mathematics that leads to predictive statements about outcomes of individual events in terms of known formal assumptions and parameters. The second type is inference (as in interpreting clinical trials). In it the arguments from replications of the same process (data) (...)
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    Empsychoi Logoi--Religious Innovations in Antiquity: Studies in Honour of Pieter Willem Van Der Horst.Alberdina Houtman, Albert de Jong & Magdalena Wilhelmina Misset-van de Weg (eds.) - 2008 - Boston: Brill.
    "The fact that religions show internal variation and develop over time is not only a problem for believers, but has also long engaged scholars. This is especially true for the religions of the ancient world, where the mere idea of innovation in religious matters evoked notions of revolution and destruction. The present volume brings together articles that study this transformation, ranging from broad overviews to detailed case-studies."--BOOK JACKET.
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    Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline as a new psychological method of development support in Poland.Magdalena Miotk-Mrozowska & Małgorzata Wójtowicz-Dacka - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (3):250-257.
    This article will introduce a new method that has been available in Poland since 2015, based on video recordings, for families with children up to 5 years of age - the Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline. The authors first discuss the current framework of development support psychology in Poland. Next, there is a review of methods based on video training. General information about the VIPP-SD intervention program is presented in the following part of the paper, focusing (...)
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    EEG functional connectivity is associated with the valence of experienced affective states.Wyczesany Miroslaw & Ferdek Magdalena - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  14.  27
    Introduction to the INEM 2019 special issue.Luis Mireles-Flores, Magdalena Małecka & Caterina Marchionni - 2022 - Journal of Economic Methodology 29 (2):111-112.
    The 14th Conference of the International Network for Economic Method was held in Finland at the University of Helsinki, from 18th to 21st of August 2019. It was the second time the biannual...
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    A report on the conference “Ecosemiotic Paradigm for Nature and Culture”.Zdzisław Wąsik & Elżbieta Magdalena Wąsik - 2018 - Sign Systems Studies 46 (4):617-629.
    A report on the conference “Ecosemiotic Paradigm for Nature and Culture”.
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    Personality, Job Resources, and Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Volunteer Engagement in Non-Governmental Organizations.Mariola Łaguna & Magdalena Kossowska - 2018 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 24 (1):69-89.
    As volunteer engagement in non-governmental organizations vary between individuals, it is vital to get to know its predictors. It can be of profit to volunteers and the ones who profit from their activities. The aim of present study was to examine a model explaining volunteer engagement examining volunteer self-efficacy as a mediator and personality traits, job resources as its predictors. Respondents were asked to fill in questionnaires accessible online. Those consisted of demographic questions as well as Ten-item Personality Inventory, and (...)
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    (1 other version)Juliane Lang / Ulrich Peters : Antifeminismus in Bewegung – Aktuelle Debatten um Geschlecht und sexuelle Vielfalt.Maria Magdalena Mayer - 2018 - Feministische Studien 36 (2):426-429.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 36 Heft: 2 Seiten: 426-429.
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    The regulation of recurrent negative emotion in the aftermath of a lost election.Ashish Mehta, Magdalena Formanowicz, Andero Uusberg, Helen Uusberg, James J. Gross & Gaurav Suri - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (4):848-857.
    For some American voters, the news of Mr. Trump's victory in the 2016 presidential election caused recurrent emotions that were negative, persistent, and intense enough to elicit repeated attempts...
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    Learning From Peers’ Eye Movements in the Absence of Expert Guidance: A Proof of Concept Using Laboratory Stock Trading, Eye Tracking, and Machine Learning.Michał Król & Magdalena Król - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (2):e12716.
    Existing research shows that people can improve their decision skills by learning what experts paid attention to when faced with the same problem. However, in domains like financial education, effective instruction requires frequent, personalized feedback given at the point of decision, which makes it time‐consuming for experts to provide and thus, prohibitively costly. We address this by demonstrating an automated feedback mechanism that allows amateur decision‐makers to learn what information to attend to from one another, rather than from an expert. (...)
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  20. The public health implications of maternal care trade-offs.A. Magdalena Hurtado, Carol A. Lambourne, Kim R. Hill & Karen Kessler - 2006 - Human Nature 17 (2):129-154.
    The socioeconomic and ethnic characteristics of parents are some of the most important correlates of adverse health outcomes in childhood. However, the relationships between ethnic, economic, and behavioral factors and the health outcomes responsible for this pervasive finding have not been specified in child health epidemiology. The general objective of this paper is to propose a theoretical approach to the study of maternal behaviors and child health in diverse ethnic and socioeconomic environments. The specific aims are: (a) to describe a (...)
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  21.  15
    The order and rules in Hayek's concept of freedom.Magdaléna Steinhauser Wesserlová - 2017 - E-Logos 24 (2):13-24.
    Príspevok je zameraný na problém slobody u F. A. Hayeka. Obsah práce je zacielený na analýzu poriadku v spoločnosti. Príspevok sa snaží vymedziť, popísať a analyzovať dva druhy poriadku, a to spontánneho a vytvoreného, a tak nájsť a rozčleniť prvý a najzákladnejší predpoklad pre potreby jasnejšieho zadefinovania negatívneho uchopenia slobody. Cieľom práce je taktiež analyzovať súbor pravidiel vo všeobecnosti, pretože pravidlá ľudského správania zastávajú v Hayekovom ideovom koncepte rovnako významné postavenie ako poriadok. V tejto súvislosti chce text poukázať na kauzálne (...)
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  22.  17
    Two Principles of Justice.Magdaléna Steinhauser Wesserlová - 2018 - E-Logos 25 (1):50-71.
    Príspevok je zameraný na problém spravodlivosti Johna Rawlsa v diele Teória spravodlivosti. Obsah práce je koncipovaný ako analýza dvoch princípov spravodlivosti, pričom sa zameriava na ich ťažiskové aspekty. Príspevok sa snaží vyjasniť význam dvoch zásad spravodlivosti prostredníctvom skúmania obsahového zloženia prvého i druhého princípu. V súvislosti s druhým princípom je cieľom nielen objasniť význam férovej rovnosti príležitostí, ale i vzťah druhého princípu s princípom efektívnosti a vzťah demokratického chápania spravodlivosti s princípom rozdielnosti. Zámerom príspevku je tiež poukázať na princíp distribúcie, (...)
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  23. Medycyna jako sztuka. Sztuka i piękno.Lesław Niebrój & Magdalena Krużlak - 2006 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 7:39-47.
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    The Ethics of Refusal in Terrence Malick’s A Hidden Life.Marguerite La Caze & Magdalena Zolkos - 2025 - Film-Philosophy 29 (1):72-93.
    Terrence Malick’s 2019 film A Hidden Life explores the ethical and political problem of refusal as an act and utterance of “not doing” violence and injustice that is expected. The film offers a nuanced and poetic depiction of Austrian peasant Franz Jägerstätter (1907–1943), who refused to give an oath of loyalty to Hitler ( Führereid), and was subsequently imprisoned and executed under the Nazi laws criminalizing conscientious objection as an “offence of sedition.” We argue that Malick complicates the question of (...)
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    The Stability of Gene Selection in Microarray Experiments.Magdalena Wietlicka-Piszcz - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 35 (1):87-101.
    This paper addresses the issue of the stability of lists of genes identified as differentially expressed in microarray experiments. The similarities be- tween gene rankings yielded by various gene selection methods performed with resampled datasets were assessed. The mean percentage of overlapping genes for two rankings varied from 10 to 90% depending on the applied gene selection method and the size of the list. The assessment of the stability of obtained gene rankings seems to be relevant in the analysis of (...)
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    Starożytne źródła patosu i jego współczesne reminiscencje w fenomenologii responsywnej Bernharda Waldenfelsa.Anna Wolińska & Magdalena Krasińska - 2022 - Ruch Filozoficzny 78 (2):99-135.
    Abstrakt Analizy w zakresie starogreckich znaczeń słowa pathos skłaniają do postawienia tezy, że należy mówić o czterech głównych kontekstach, które ukształtowały rozumienie tej kategorii: o kontekście retorycznym, etycznym, tragicznym i emotywnym (passio). Chociaż wszystkie cztery wspomniane obszary pozostawały względem siebie stosunkowo niezależne, modyfikując sens pojęcia pathos w czasem bardzo odległych rejestrach czasowych, to można wskazać pewien wspólny rdzeń, determinujący charakter omawianej kategorii: mianowicie jej inherentną zakłóceniowość, kryzysogenność i afektywność. Pozostaje on w ścisłej relacji z odniesieniem patosu do doświadczeń bolesnych, nagłych, (...)
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    Patriotyzm w filozofii praktycznej Karola Libelta. Wokół rozprawy "O miłości ojczyzny".Magdalena Woźniewska-Działak - 2020 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 56 (2):163-191.
    Lata 40. XIX wieku to okres wyjątkowo ożywionej debaty nad tożsamością narodu polskiego. Rozprawa Karola Libelta O miłości ojczyzny, wydana w poznańskim czasopiśmie Rok w 1844 r., jest jednym z reprezentatywnych przykładów ideowego fermentu tego czasu. W rozprawie autor formułuje zasadnicze pytanie o kształt i charakter narodu jako wspólnoty wartości. Redefiniuje jednakże kluczowe dla tematu pojęcia takie jak ojczyzna i patriotyzm. Postuluje konieczność precyzyjnego formułowania ról społecznych i zadań, których realizacja ma służyć odzyskaniu przez Polskę niepodległości. Libelt akcentuje kwestię nierozłączności (...)
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    (1 other version)Exposing the dialogical nature of the linguistic self in interpersonal and intersubjective relationships for the purposes of language - and - consciousness - related communication studies.Elżbieta Magdalena Wąsik - 2018 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (7):125-136.
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    The Communicational Autonomy of the Human Self in Intercorporeal and Intertextual Relationships from the Perspective of Semio- and Technoethics.Elżbieta Magdalena Wąsik - 2015 - Semiotics:81-88.
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: Modeling Bilingual Lexical Processing Through Code-Switching Speech: A Network Science Approach.Qihui Xu, Magdalena Markowska, Martin Chodorow & Ping Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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  31. Trzy stanowiska w sprawie pluralizmu - MacIntyre, Rawls, Habermas.Magdalena Żardecka-Nowak - 2004 - Civitas 8 (8):226-266.
  32. Las revistas académicas de Historia en Hispanoamérica: un punto de vista.Saúl Armendáriz Sánchez & Ma Magdalena Ordóñez Alonso - 1998 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 3.
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  33. Spór o negatywność jako pytanie o różnicę.Magdalena Hoły-Łuczaj - 2011 - Ruch Filozoficzny 68 (3).
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    Myśl Barbary Skargi: droga osobna.Jacek Migasiński & Magdalena Środa (eds.) - 2015 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN.
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    Empalabrar el mundo: el pensamiento antropológico de Lluís Duch.Joan-Carles Mèlich, Ignasi Moreta & Amador Vega (eds.) - 2011 - Barcelona: Fragmenta Editorial.
    A lo largo de más de tres décadas, la obra de Lluís Duch (Barcelona, 1936) se ha ido consolidando en el ámbito de los estudios de historia de la cultura europea con una voz verdaderamente singular. Sus estudios sobre el mito son ya un referente ineludible en nuestro país y en Latinoamérica. Empalabrar el mundo, título de este volumen, es una de las expresiones más conseguidas de Lluís Duch, ya que en ella se da cita el alcance de su compromiso (...)
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    Is threat recognition special? Resistance of threat recognition to perceptual noise.Ewa Magdalena Król - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:489-495.
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    Perspective of Dimensional Analysis in Medical Science.Wojciech Kowalewski, Magdalena Roszak, Barbara Kołodziejczak & Anna Ren-Kurc - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 51 (1):19-37.
    This paper presents several applications of the dimensional analysis method to problems investigated in medical sciences. The method is used to analyze various complex processes without using formal laws governing the same. It is particularly suitable for a general analysis of fluid transfer in the human body. This paper mainly serves as an overview of selected applications, mostly those emerging in the recent years, and includes a discussion of the mathematical fundamentals of dimensional analysis together followed by its critical analysis. (...)
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    Autism limits strategic thinking after all: A process tracing study of the beauty contest game.Michał Król & Magdalena Ewa Król - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 26 (4):615-626.
    The beauty contest game is widely used to study the determinants of strategic thinking. Here, we examine the role of theory of mind in strategic reasoning by comparing both performance and the reas...
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    Great Minds Think Alike? Spatial Search Processes Can Be More Idiosyncratic When Guided by More Accurate Information.Michal Król & Magdalena E. Król - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (4).
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 4, April 2022.
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    Wobec Formy Otwartej Oskara Hansena: Idea - Utopia - Reinterpretacja.Marcin Lachowski, Magdalena Linkowska & Zbigniew Sobczuk (eds.) - 2009 - Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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    La aportación de Aspasio a la noción de Ergon.Magdalena Bosch Rabell - 2017 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 44:117-133.
    Este artículo analiza la aportación de Aspasio al concepto aristotélico de ergon. Hasta el momento no se ha realizado un estudio de este concepto bajo el prisma de las aportaciones aspasianas, centrándose en el capítulo séptimo del libro primero de la Ética Nicomaquea. Examina el significado que Aristóteles reconoce en la función propia del ser humano, y los matices que añade Aspasio. Para esta investigación se sigue el orden del texto y se centra el análisis en los términos clave: el (...)
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    The influence of one-time biofeedback electromyography session on the firing order in the pelvic floor muscle contraction in pregnant woman–A randomized controlled trial.Monika Błudnicka, Magdalena Piernicka, Jakub Kortas, Damian Bojar, Barbara Duda-Biernacka & Anna Szumilewicz - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:944792.
    Many women are initially unable to contract the pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) properly, activating other muscle groups before, or instead of, PFM. Numerous authors have proved that biofeedback can be an ideal tool supporting learning of the PFM contraction. However, there is currently a lack of scientific data on how many biofeedback sessions are necessary in this educational process. In this study we aimed at assessing the effects of one-time electromyography (EMG) biofeedback session on the order in which PFM are (...)
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    Psychosocial characteristics of men and women as perpetrators of domestic violence.Maciej Januszek, Magdalena Rode & Danuta Rode - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (1):53-64.
    The presented study aims to compare men and women, perpetrators of domestic violence in terms of psychosocial characteristics, present conditions of socialization in which the perpetrator grew and the motives for committing violent act against partners. The population of violence offenders under study and its sub-groups did not differ from the norm group in terms of personality traits and temperament. The differences were noticed only in two KSP scales: secure style and avoidance style. The comparison of women and men revealed (...)
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    Archeological Tourist Destination Image Formation: Influence of Information Sources on the Cognitive, Affective and Unique Image.Nuria Huete-Alcocer, Maria Pilar Martinez-Ruiz, Víctor Raúl López-Ruiz & Alicia Izquiedo-Yusta - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:484524.
    A destination’s image is a critical factor in tourists’ perceptions and evaluations of said destination. This paper analyzes the formation of the tourist destination image of Segóbriga Archeological Park, a cultural destination located in the province of Cuenca (Spain) that holds great heritage value. To this end, the paper adopted a multidimensional approach and used PLS-SEM to analyze the destination image, taking into account not only its cognitive and affective components, but also the unique image component. The latter has received (...)
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    COVID-19 protective measures in nursing homes: Between autonomy and care – Results of an interview study. [REVIEW]Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni, Elisabeth Holzer, Martin Pallauf & Christiane Kreyer - 2022 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (2):221-238.
    Definition of the problem This interview study investigated ethical issues in long-term care facilities from the perspective of caregivers during the coronavirus disease pandemic. Due to the explorative as well as descriptive methodological approach, interview data are available and can be assigned to four central topics, which reveal a complex and sometimes conflictual reality of work and life in long-term care during the pandemic. On the one hand, the protective measures taken by the state and the institutions, as well as (...)
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  46. Justification by Imagination.Magdalena Balcerak Jackson - 2018 - In Fiona Macpherson & Fabian Dorsch (eds.), Perceptual Imagination and Perceptual Memory. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 209-226.
  47. Determinismo y libertad en el Mathematicus de Bernardo Silvestre.Francisco Tauste Alcocer - 1996 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 3:183-199.
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    La estructura tomista del concreto y sus consecuencias.Antonio Pérez Alcocer - 1987 - Querétaro, México: Autores de Querétaro.
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    Informacja genetyczna: wyrok czy możliwość.Magdalena Fikus - 2003 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 33.
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  50. Antypsychologizm w badaniach logicznych Edmunda Husserla. Próba rekonstrukcji pojęcia psychologizmu i argumentów antypsychologistycznych.Magdalena Godlewska - 2006 - Ruch Filozoficzny 3 (3).
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